2011 Toyota Highlander Mobile Antenna Installation

I have a scanner and a  dual band rig in my car.  For the scanner I have a  cheap mag mount antenna that I got on Amazon.com, and for the transceiver I have a Comet antenna on a Diamond K400 mount hacked onto my roof rack.  Neither was working out so I began looking at my options.

After reading on the web that ‘real hams use NMO mount antennas in holes in the roof ,’  I was really close to drilling holes in the roof of my beloved Highlander.  In preparation I took a ride to KJI in Cedar Grove NJ in hopes of buying the mounts. I met Gene (the owner) and is truly a nice guy.  We spoke a bit about my requirements and he suggested that  I really couldn’t go wrong with trunk lip mounts.  He gave me a nice deal on two Larsen mounts and a Diamond NR770HNMO antenna for the scanner. I spent a few hours getting them installed last winter.

Here are a few pictures of the installation.


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    • Matt on February 10, 2017 at 10:56 am
    • Reply

    Still have pictures of this?I am getting ready to do a hood lip install this weekend and it would be great to see where you mounted. The only place I found that has an existing bolt is on the passenger side about 2/3the way up towards the windshield from the bumper, so I will try that. If not I will have to find a spot to drill some holes and go from there. I am thinking I should be able to use the port below the harness that goes out of the firewall on the passenger side to run my coaxial cable, might have to drill that port out a little so that it is large enough.

  1. […] I had permanently installed my scanner and dual band antennas (and written about it) last year, I have been thinking hard about how to mount the radios, remote head, power switches, […]

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